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Name: Xander
Age: 20-MidTwenties
Height: Six foot 1 inch
Weight: 178 lbs.
Personality: Xander can seem like quite the grump most of the time, but he's really a sweetheart. He just doesn't know how to be social with people.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Sub or Dom?: Dominate.
Body type: Xander is a tall and lanky red panda who works out. He's not a limp noodle. He does have 'Muscles'.
Eye Color: Xander's eyes are an Amber hue with orange and red undertones.
Body Color: On his chest, stomache, ears ad streaks from his eyes, he is black. His muzzle, above his eyebrows, and the sides of his face are White. The rest of his fur is Blue.
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